Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

Of thought ... about the composition of the word .... ﻉ√٥ﺎ

Gedankengänge ... über die Zusammensetzung des wortes

(mein Lieblings love ... was ich gerne poste .... ICH... ohne Probleme !!! .... du ?.... )
 für den rest .... der übersetzer ist oben rechts .... ;)

Warum ????
.... weil ich bin ein berliner.... ich bin so nett
Input output´s about the composition of the word ......
Gedankengänge über die Zusammensetzung des wortes .......

??? warum.....warum ???
ich hasse das verflixte wort (an falscher stelle !!!) .....
meine antwort: ..... frag deine Frau !!!

oder  (beispielsweise für den Rest)
für besser mit meinem freund ........ "als" ......... und zwangs junggesellen wie Ich (aus niederen gründen unendlich belästigt (für andere tödlich) ... ) mit ähnlichen aussichten ...... siehe link im englischen  .......

(my favorite love ... what I like to post .... I without problems !!! you?)
   for the rest .... the translator is at the top right .... ;) ........

why ???
...... because I am a berliner .... I'm so ..... nice

??? why ..... why ???
I hait this fucking word ..... (in the wrong point !!!) ....
my answer: ..... ask your woman !!!

or (for example for the rest)
for better with my friend ........ „AS„......... and  bachelors forced, how I (because of their capital, crime ... infinitely harassed, of some .... (for other fatal) ... ) for about same prospects .... :/ ....
looook for the answer hire:
 Food - Fruit - Obst - BananaConnection®

to the point....

a how beginn - (Germen = a wie Anfang) = Alef ... Wiki ....
from left to right = problen of copiers .... ♫♪ ♫♪  psssssst .... Top secret Tipp ..... dont sai it someone ;) .... take it at last, and do nothing more ... only coppy  .... psssssst  ... also for the fish I post (eye ? ... must check (yust NEW (Y) ... ) it ...hehe..)... and a eBay freek´s Read that .... ““new sign““ .... hehe !!! hy eBay ....that you Me do not forget ??? I often think at you.... :/ !!! ;) for example: a new layer, in the rotation process !!!! as in the "DB - AG" :( ((( "section drunkards" 3:) (selektion = customary east Jargon***) ..... hehehe :D )))

........ ooooooooo hey eBayaner see ..... the internet is greeeeeeeat ???  ...   hoooooow big ..... WooooOooooW ...... hehehehehe ..... :D ))))))))))

Root sign = Wiki ...

= 5 = Indian number font = from left to right = Wiki .....

= Ο = how n oooooo the ende = from left to right = problen of copiers .... = Wiki ...

*** = Jargon = Wiki ....

Wiki = west product (west = Capitalisti (russian [language;Phonetic]) ... better before east.....say it so !!! .....) .... east .... Wiki ??? !!! why ??? is the ost answer :/ at last, hear  that often ??? come on to !! Bet in the brain .. ... when available ? .................... no comment ..... :D )))

!!! „“Wiki englisch - new page““ !!! .... 

collectively to notice:
 .... wiki work is time consuming ....
therefore .... !!! my respects to this page !!! (Y) toptoptop***+++

 ..... and that shit .... you are the first with the idea ....
.... fuck (angry fuck I mean) .... ....  :D )) (Y)

P.S. ....  Only what I know ..... I can really ...... ....................

!!! continued follows !!!

 ..... ( is now time for the last 
..... now the sign .!!! .wooooow.(Y) like a star !!! )

....................... ﻉ√٥ﺎ


Nina Simone
hehe :D ))) no point …..






All, well over 340 .... ﻉ√٥ﺎ
via. Blogger - YouTube Playlists ***

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Michael Boeke-Grzimek (Relordet)
All Post´s on Blogger (New)
Миша - (+18) (New)
KaufsImKilo Books
Michael Boeke-Grzimek - all Post´s -----
Tumblr. - Block´s -----
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Tumblr. - MischenControl (+18) (New) -----
My Blog on Wordpress -----
Michas Space on Wordpress -----
nice post = G+ - Ways - Wege -----

- Ways - Wege ´¯`•.¸???

 ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ more blocks of me █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
 Michael Peter Ansger Willhelm Boeke / Grzimek / .......
 Der 100 Jährigen krieg - The 100 years war - Monarchien sind in Gefahr - Meine Prognose
 This is an input ........ Dies ist eine Eingabe ........
  I wanted to show much dise people do not their duty
 I hope I can soon dream with you
 immer noch mindestens 100 prozent
Sehnsucht nach der Prosit
P.S. NOW is a good time ... realety time (Y) and tink abaut to think about tomorrow's social
 Bericht ... erster entwuf .... gewaltsam gestört §§§ .... wollen vordrängeln !!! .... ist weltuntergang ???
 - Leon,danke für urlaub auf der erde All Block´s of Me ....ﻉ√٥ﺎ

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